Thursday, September 8, 2011


It has been literally MONTHS since I've posted. I feel so bad.. I had to catch up on a lot of blog reading... It amazes me on how fast time flies. I do not even have kids BUT I see everyone else's children growing so fast I get scared! I am at UH.. It's pretty much official that I'm on the Junior/Senior level now and have 1 year left. THANK YOU JESUS!

The kids are growing like weeds! Abigail is 7 and in the 2nd grade. Emma is 5 and in kindergarten, Olivia is 4 and in pre-school, and Noah is 3 and enjoying some mommy time all by himself!

I love all my babies and every time I see them I smother them in kisses!

My sister Christine decided to make it offical (she likes to do things backwards) and she was married on July 16th, 2011, so even though I knew he was going to be my brother in law for about 7 years now, it is OFFICIAL! The weirdest thing is that her last name is not my last name anymore. I told her that she could NOT get married on July 4th because I've wanted that date for as long as I can remember. So it was a great celebration.

The biggest reason why it has been a little hard to come blog is because during this time I have been busy falling in love with the most amazing man I've ever met.

He loves God.
He loves his son.
He loves his family.
He is smart.
He treats me like a lady.
He respects me.
He is sweet.
He is nice.
He makes me laugh.
He makes me smile.
He has the greatest smile.
He knows how to make my coffee perfect.
He includes me in everything he does or wants to do.
His kisses are perfection.

So here we are:


I'm pretty excited about this.
It feels natural.
It feels right.

Oh and I'm 30! EXCITING!

Monday, April 11, 2011


April. I love this month. I love it because my grass is coming back to life, the trees are green, the weather is absoultely beautiful (I have had lunch outside everyday for the past 3 weeks), SPRING CLEANING, oh and I am getting excited about spending time in the pool this summer. Just a few things to catch up on.

School is stressful this semester. I do not think I have been challenged my whole college life as I have been this semester. Reason for the challenge? STATISTICS & PROBABILITY! I cannot WAIT until I have no more tests regarding z-scores; standard deviations, and all of these formulas that just..... frankly look the same. I tip my hat to you guys that love this subject. I am happy that I am taking it of course, but WOW I never thought YOU TUBE would help me with understanding SCHOOL before!

I have been working full time, but because I only have a year left of school, I am considering going part time. I've been blessed to consider the option of going part time due to having awesome supervisors, managers, and a director who have been there to help me out with my schedule. I just feel that my classes are getting a little too more involved and I want to finish strong! So hopefully, once I figure it all out everything will go as planned.

Nightmares? I have not had a nightmare since I do not know when, well until last week BUT before then I could not tell you. I had this dream where I was with my mom, and sisters and we dropped off my brother-in-law at his car. He was parked on some island looking parking lot. In my dream I had been there before but I remember thinking, 'Amy be careful'. I placed my truck in reverse to back out then I put it in drive. When I stepped on the gas, I went BACKWARDS and fell into the OCEAN! I tried to open my door because I knew the ocean was deep and could not wait to get to the bottom to open it smoothly, but I could not open my door because the weight of the water. I was SO scared about my mom and I woke up STARTLED. What is that about!!! Dad say it was stress. I just do not know. Nightmares? 29?

I had a co-worker pass away at work. He was someone that I saw three times a week, said Hi and Bye to, chatted with. Never talked to him outside of work, but was apart of my life in a way. It shook me up a little. I am not sure as to why, I feel as though God used this situation to remind me that the things that I think are important are not all that important. Living life, holding and loving your loved ones, and sharing and connecting with people in the world are important. Maybe I should be more proactive about getting to know people at work. I tend to talk to and hang out with the same people at work. Maybe God has blessed me with 200 + co workers to learn from and vice versa. So in closing, Raul, you will be missed.

We have a new addition to the family!!!

Snickers Leigh Lowry - adopted March 11, 2011

He is cute but a handful. He is currently in timeout due to eating a pair of flip flops. If you haven't noticed dogs are like kids in this family. :)

The kids are doing great! Happy to be outside...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I know......

can you believe it! 2011 is here... It's SO busy and I do not see it slowing down in the near future. Another semester rolling right along. Work is..... Work.. The kids are growing up.. Watched the Lion King with the kids today and I cried my eyes out! My little loves gave me the most awesome Valentine's Day Present.. It was a Willow Tree Caring Angel. Brought tears to my eyes! Rodeo is coming up.. It's a toss up between Billy Currington and the Zac Brown Band.. I'm still just stuck! Anywho FINALLY got the pictures in from Disney! Along with a few of my faves....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

WoW! I am not sure where to start but here we go! Thanksgiving was good! We all missed Dad because he was sick and could not make it down. Aww! I have one more final left for this semester then I get a whole month break! We leave for Disney World on Friday we get back Wednesday then Christmas! Love this time of year but most of all I love my family that I get to spend time with. Like a fellow blogger said, Christmas is just something totally different when you have kids around. Emma had her Christmas pagent last night, she did so well with her verse! Ok just in case I do not get back here to with a post. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's the little things..

That can turn an ok day into a day of, "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS!" OR it's that I get way too much excitement from trying to find the best deals. So here is what happened. This morning I woke up way to late to go to church thank you party from last night ( I was a lepord btw), did some homework and got ready for the day. I am furniture shopping and trying to find a bedroom set and although I found something that I loved I was just not willing to buy it for that price. I'm hoping there are some major deals after Thanksgiving! So right next door is Kirklands where you can buy lots of things for home decor. I went thru the store just eye shopping then I came across the 75% off Halloween and HARVEST sale. Hello WORLD, 75% off!!!! I got some cute stuff for Thanksgiving that will now adorn my table this year. Normally priced $24.99 I bought for $6.25, a cute little pumpkin and acorns normally priced $5.99 that I bought for 1.50 a piece! Oh and I went to Old Navy to buy these cute little black flats that were $19.99 and if you screamed at the register they gave you 20% off. So yea, I screamed...

Ok so this year we had a bumble bee (Emma) and an elephant (Olivia)(who won best costume at the Church Festival), Noah wanted to be a crazy 2 year old so we just let him be him because he was not having the costume thing this year. My sweet Abigail was a genie, or Jasmine, she looked like both to tell you the truth.

November, November, November... I'm so happy you are here! I love November because I get to see my family and there is a sweet excuse to go shopping. The semester is halfway done. I just had midterms and I'm pulling classic Amy grades... What grade is that you may ask? B's! UGH! I just need to spend more time apparently....

The best part of the first week of November is mi abulea (my mom's mom) is here visiting us for the week! I love her so much! I'll post pictures of her visit sometime next week however I hope that everyone out there enjoys the beautiful weather with those whom mean the world to you!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I lost my cord that goes from my camera to my laptop... Is there a name for that thing?

So like a mad woman I've been tearing my house apart looking for it. I so DO NOT want to go buy one because I know the minute I do.. Ta da it will show up! On the other hand I have about 100 photos I need to get off my camera and I'm getting a little impatient..

September.. WoW... It came... It went... Here are the highlights:

-One last weekend laying well in the pool... :(

-My attitude has changed regarding my job and even though I am not in love with what I do... I've come to the realization that I've put myself here and I will figure out a way out of it and find something that I want to do.

-Had some dental stuff done that was long over do... Still have some more left but let me just tell you.. Wisdom teeth are nothing to laugh at. On a side note, I've never in my whole 29 years of life have had any kind of pain medication prescribed to me and all I can say about it is... I've never felt SO rested.

-If you know me, you know I love movies... Movies I watched this month were:
-Backup Plan C but B+ in my book bc offff yummy Alex McLaughlin (im sorry im going 13 on you but I just cannot get over how cute he is!)

-Going the Distance or whatever its called. With Drew Barrymore and of course I love Justin Long.. It was cute but a little too realistic for me though. So I'm giving it a C-

-Killers w/ Katherine Heigel she is my new fav actress and Ashton Kutcher.. The ending was a little too blah for me.. So C

Oh and some crazy movie my sister made me watch with her Chloe I think was the name...I just.. No words for it really.... F

-My dog Ebi is going blind. This has been such an emotional thing for me. :( No kids = my dog being my world. Well not literally but you know what I mean.. I'm not a nut or anything but she pretty much has the life for a dog! ;)

Family is doing GREAT! Dad came down to visit and made plans for the holidays can you guys believe the year is almost over!

Fun Factoid: One of my guilty pleasures is reading celebrity magazines... So I was reading a story about the Queen and I wondered if she washes her face or does she have someone wash her face for her? Apart of me says she would BUT she is the Queen! If I were a Queen I do not think I would be against the idea of having someone come in and wash it. This is apart of the lala that goes on in my head when I'm just by myself.. On that note do you think the Queen takes 10 mins out of her day to floss her teeth to? Seriously..

Ok I'm tired .. Happy October Everyone!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


So many things are running thru my mind. It is kinda hard to focus right now on my 'to do' list because my heart is hurting so bad for my best friend. It is so weird.......... So weird, weird, weird to be in the position of watching her family go thru this. So just pray if you happen to be reading this. I've just been praying for God's grace to comfort their broken hearts. I literally just want to kiss their hearts to make them feel better but I know it is not that easy. I wish it were that easy though. All I know is Satan is EVIL.

On to other news.... Family Update. Btw I'm a crazy Aunt. I'm one of those aunts you love/hate to have. You would love me because I love your kids SO much. I'm their for birthdays and fun weekends and cry when you cry and laugh when your kids say the cutest not sooo original things. However bc it is YOUR KID its totally orignal. You hate me because I get to be apart of their kid club and we sing and dance and tell stories and you being the mom or dad are not allowed to be apart of the club! Ha ha! Oh and the best part of the whole deal is I do not have to be the one to say No all the time.

So school time.....

My beautiful Niece Abigail started 1st grade today and she was not tooo happy about not being in Ms. Leavy's class this year.

My other beautiful niece Ms. Emma started Pre K at Fellowship Christian Academy. She was SOOOO excited! She loves going to chapel. I love that she loves it so much!

Ms. Olivia is NOT liking her sister being gone for 4 hours a day. She is sorta happy that she gets to have one on one mommy time though. She does however get to go to the gym with her mom everyday and get a good hour of playing. She cries when it's time to leave. I'm not sure if that is normal or not but whateve.

Noah... I do not think he notices anything. Typical MALE! Haha!

Watching my sisters be mothers is so weird because we are sisters and I know the fun parts of them and the crazy things they have done or said. Then they are responsible for these kids that I love so much! Laura is such a harworking mom and I give it up to her because she is a single mom and I can say without a doubt that being a single mother is the HARDEST job on earth. She makes it look easy but just spending one day with her and I'm tired. From working a full time job, full time in School, raising Abigail, keeping up with home stuff.. It is just mind blowing. I pray that I am never one but just on the off chance that I am I am not worried because I think its in the genes. Christine, Christine, Christine, I'm not exactly sure how you received these three angeles as children. I just do not get it. Talk about miracles! HAHA!!!!! Jeez I crack myself up. No in all seriousness. Christine I love the way your kids know how much they are loved. You give them that right dash of discpline, love, acceptence, faith, and courage to each of them and it shows.

Received my grades for my summer classes... Straight A's. I was pretty excited because I have never written SO many papers during one semester. Do you know how sometimes you feel you say the same thing over and over and over again. That is how I felt when I was writing my final paper. We basically had to write essays about every thing we read then we had to write a final paper about all of those papers. Sounds easy but I think I have this curse where I make things harder than they are supposed to be. My mind is now coming out of the fog and getting ready to start school again this saturday!

Work is well...... Work.... What can I say other than that? I'd feel better about work if I was writing this on a Thursday but I'm not its a Monday.

So with that I hope each of you has a fun, safe, week!

Here is Emma her first day of school. I will get Abi on here once I get a picture from Laura!